Thursday, September 21, 2006

Are you Johnnie re?

"Who is John Galt?" - The cry goes round the world once again. Well, not quite the world, but in some people's universes at least. Could this allusion be to the Scottish novelist of the 19th century? I think not. Its the "mystery worker", the "destroyer", the man who changed the world. For the fortunately uninitiated he was a character in Atlas Shrugged(you can check out I read that book about 5 years back and found it to be a terribly tedious ordeal. Took me close to three months to finish, and a 90 page speech by Mr Galt himself was nothing short of torture. Yet the book had a fascinating concept. In short, it was good but it just wasnt worth the effort involved (what else do you expect from a guy who's read The Hitchikers Guide 5 times in the last two years?!).

Sure, we need John Galt today. The world is such a screwed up place, that we could actually do with several hundreds of 'em, but the point is do we keep going on with our lives and hope John Galt turns up, do we just sit around and wait or do we look for the John Galt within each one of us and the people we know?

There are those who wait for Mr Galt. According to lore, he's not a superhero. Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Phantom, Kriisisshshsh(I'm sure I misspelt it-but i'm sorry hrithik, i dont really care) are superheroes. John Galt is one of us. Could be you, your best friend or your worst enemy.(I've been informed by someone very reliable that its not me, so thats not an option).I firmly believe that Mr Galt doesnt exist but there is a little bit of him in all of us. For those who wait for him, for whatever reason- whether for him to bring them salvation, to be their saviour or to bloody marry them - I wish them all the best. I can only quote lines from Chad Kroegers 'Hero' to tell them how I feel about it..

"And they say that a hero can save us.
I'm not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.
Now that the world isn't ending, it's love that I'm sending to you.
It isn't the love of a hero, that's why I fear it won't do."


Anonymous said...

i didnt read any of ayn rands novels. sorry i dont have the patience, intelligence or the total lack of self respect for my valued time to go thru trash which ppl praise in the name of art.

define hero??

is he the perfect guy they show in the movies. the one whom the ladies want? the one who can do anythin? the one who never loses. the supremely talented and god blessed individual.

well i have seen tons of em heroes and supremely talented ppl fall by the wayside for the lack of self ethic. the only thing in life which counts is determination. hunger and burn the fire in ur belly until it consumes u.

i think callin some1 a hero is like slappin him in the face. kinda like spittin ur paan on the gandhi statue - well he was the greatest hero in india wasnt he. and i dont exactly wanna judge gandhi but lets say his policies look gr8 only in theory or in munnabhai 2.

thats why i love antiheroes. like the punisher / dirty harry / john mclane / rocky / rambo / t800 / xxx / spawn / hellboy / constantine. these guys are the true heroes. to be perfect is akin to dying. the basic existence depends on one striving for excellence. one has to overcome the odds to be a hero.

my heroes are the common man goin out of his way to do uncommon things.

john galt / superman / etc all suck. big time. and if any1 likes them - then all i have to say is pls grow up. for life is not black and white. but shades of grey.

"Cause I'm Bad and I'm proud
I'm ready, hyped plus I'm amped
For most of my heroes don't appear on stamps"
korn - fight the power

Badguy Forever

Anonymous said...

Befitting, humorous, and contextual. Well done!